In 1994 a small garage business emerged from the popular ‘grunge’ districts of Seattle Washington. A business just designed to sell books online, which was another very new advancement in technology. This business went public in 1997 and sold shares at only $18. Many people didn’t invest because there were too many unanswered questions about the fate of this business, the fate of the internet and the security of something unknown. Per Statista, those same stocks are now selling at $3,510.98 a share as of 2021 (Richter, 2021). The company? Amazon.
Sometimes the largest values in life come from the unsure and unknown. As agricultural hemp farming became legal in the U.S., many farmers are apprehensive at the thought of growing “marijuana” because of the stigma placed upon the name. Marijuana and hemp, although deriving from the same plant – are not the same. Hemp has less than .3 percent THC by dry weight. THC, tetrahydrocannabinol is the chemical that creates the psychological effects on the brain, or “the high”. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration created the 2018 law which removed hemp as a schedule 1 controlled substance and deemed it an agricultural commodity. Still, many are questioning planting something that is so closely related to a drug similarly to how so many were fearful to invest in Amazon.
Hemp is now found in a large array of products, most beneficially found in products designed to treat chronic pain, sleeping disorders, anxiety and even cancer. The current growth of demand predicts that the industry will reach $23.7 billion by 2023 (Nittle, 2021). That number will increasingly grow with more and more FDA approval, currently the FDA is investigating hemp as a dietary supplement. FDA approval is almost certain; however, the date is still unknown, but when that occurs large chains will jump at the market and the profits will soar. This is a close comparison of buying your Amazon stock now, at $18 a share.
Aside from the profitability that hemp can provide, it’s actually a fundamental practice in the rotation of your crops. Hemp is known as a weed suppressor, without the use of chemicals and is considered a very low-maintenance crop. Hemp has a large, complex root system which creates a natural soil preparation for the next crop in the field. It is also pest resistant, another form of nature eliminating the need for pesticides and chemicals (Organic Farming, 2021). The world is finally seeing the benefits of going more natural, sustaining from the use of chemical agents which not only pollute the fields, but the earth as a whole. With the green movement, individuals are also going green in what they put into their bodies and therefore deferring more to hemp and CBD medicines to heed their ailments.
The crop grows quickly, from seed- to-harvest in about 3 months. It requires little attention throughout the growth season, as it repels both weeds and pests, and uses less water than most crops all while aerating the soil.
The hemp hesitation resides within all communities and the farmers within those communities, because everyone is fearful to take a leap on something that is so new. Older generations don’t understand the medicinal practice of hemp and look at a field of aromatic bushes as the vulgar drugs they were taught about in lost years. But, the uneducated don’t need to be a deciding factor in your wealth and growth, they simply need to be educated.
Amazon has taught us a few things in life over the past few years, most prominently during the pandemic – every house in America suddenly had boxes on top of boxes delivered to them while they were shut in and all those boxes said; Amazon. If we only knew back in 1997 what the future would bring, I think we all would have purchased as many stocks as our wallet would allow. Here, we are providing you with the insight of what is to come with hemp as an industry and the future that is predicted – are you going to wait, or buy your stock now?
Farmers, contact us today at 866-253-6733 to learn more about our miracle hemp seed that lowers risks & costs while increasing profits for hemp farmers.
Organic Farming. (2021, February 18). Why is hemp the best rotational crop for your farm? Nature’s Data. Retrieved April 2, 2022, from
Nittle, N. (2021, January 20). For young farmers, hemp is a ‘gateway crop’. Civil Eats. Retrieved April 2, 2022, from
Richter, F. (2021, July 5). Infographic: If you had invested in Amazon’s IPO… Statista Infographics. Retrieved April 2, 2022, from